Friday, March 6, 2015

Mata : Episod 1

May peace be upon you.
I'm glad to announce that I have decided to insert a brand new slot in my blog which is the story about my eyes. 

Those who doesn't know me, might be questioning a lot.
What story can I make from this precious organ?
If it's not about facts, then what else?

I've to proclaim that I have this sort of disease since my very young age.
I have this fixed redness in my right eye, which apparently always making people around me asking :

"Kenapa mata merah?"
"Sakit mata ke?"

Day by day, I've been queasy of people that ask a lot , that I'd have to answer one by one oemgee!
Coaxing myself
"Depa ni tak tahu. Bagitahu sajalah"

To make the story short,
Lemme tell you the way I like.


Mata aku merah memang dari kecik lagi.
Tapi kekadang dia ni on off lah juga.

Sampai lah ke sekolah menengah,
Selalu aku famous sebab sakit mata.

"Farasye duduk bilik kebajikan?"
"Sakit mata lah tu"

Sampai satu hari mama bawa aku pergi jumpa specialist ,
nak disimpulkan, doc kata,
Mata aku ada "radang"

Menurut doc, mata aku masih di tahap yang belum teruk lagi.
Jadi haruslah dijaga dengan molek iaitu buat lid hygiene.

Aku akan cerita "lid hygiene" tu proses apa la nanti episod kendian.

Nak katanya, untuk beberapa ketika,
yang agak lama lah. 
Mata aku kembali pulih.

Dan aku tak sangka.
Sangat tak sangka.
Masa uni ni, dia datang balik.

Aku akan cerita detail lagi pada masa akan datang.

To sum up, I would say that this episode include only the muqaddimah.
I'm not sure that people would be attracted enough to read more.
But I don't have to worry cause that is not the reason I was thriving for.

It's not that I want this story to be filmed haha.
It is the thought that I am willingly to share because I've found plenty awareness that I perceive, might be beneficial towards you too.
Let me say awareness'es'.

To find the real meaning of Shukoor.
To know your God really well.
To let you think, that God has always being fair on you people.

Stay tune .

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